Dr. Nikunj B. Gajera, Scientist in Terrestrial Ecology Division holds M.Sc. and M. Phil (Animal Science) from Saurashtra University, Rajkot and Ph. D in Zoology (Ornithology) from KSKV Kachchh University, Bhuj, Gujarat. He has a total of 17 years of Research Experience including the current position as Scientist (8 years). His past experience includes, Research Fellow in Department of Life Sciences, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (2 years), as Junior Research Fellow (2 years), as Senior Research Fellow (1 year), as Programme Coordinator (1 Year) and as Project Scientist (3 years). He has completed more than 65 research projects on various aspects of Biodiversity, Climate change, Irrigation and EIA studies. He has published 34 Research papers in National (13) and International Journals (21). He has also published 09 books and 4 chapters in Edited books on various aspects of Biodiversity. He has also presented 22 Abstracts in various National/International Seminars and Conferences. He has participated in 18 Workshop/Training and Leadership courses.