Gujarat with its longest coastline and immense coastal natural resources provided ample opportunities for coastal and marine studies in Gujarat. Ever since its inception in 1998, the Division was known as “Wetland Division” and later this was renamed as “Coastal and Marine Division” which is engaged in conducting research in different thrust areas such as Coastal and Marine Monitoring, Mangrove Plantation and Restoration activities, Marine Impact Assessment Studies, Aquaculture research, Shoreline Change Assessment Studies, Preparation of Marine Biodiversity Management Plan etc.
Gulf of Kachchh with all its physical, chemical and biological characteristics and witnessing aggressive coastal industrialization requires a sustained effort to monitor coastal environment. Coastal monitoring programs of this division assist many coastal industries to gain an insight into their coastal environment and enable them to take appropriate remedial measures. This, while enabling the industries to conform the legal mandate, also assist them to maintain their coastal environmental integrity. Similarly, mangrove restoration efforts with important coastal stakeholders such as industries and coastal resource dependent communities has paved way for restoring/replanting mangrove ecosystems in an area of 5000 ha. Vital technical services with respect to mangrove restoration/plantation are being provided to industries and other interested parties who venture to plant mangroves. As a part of restoration efforts, assessment of mangrove plantation and natural mangrove stands are also being carried out which come out with valuable management and conservation solutions for many coastal industries. Further, Practical management suggestions are being given to Ports and Harbours with respect to conserving coastal resources in their vicinity and mitigate the industrial impacts on these resources. Overall, the division strives to take fruits of coastal and marine science research to a broad spectrum of coastal industries and community through its services.
No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. K. Karthikeyan | Head |
2 | Dr. B. Balaji Prasath | Senior Scientist |
3 | Dr. L. Prabhadevi | Advisor |
4 | Dr. Durga Prasad Behera | Scientist |
5 | Dr. Dhara Dixit | Project Scientist |
6 | Dr. Kapilkumar N. Ingle | Project Scientist |
7 | Ms. Pallavi Joshi | Junior Research Fellow |
8 | Ms. Muskan Karamchandani | Junior Research Fellow |
9 | Mr. Ketankumar J. Yogi | Project Assistant L-1 |