Gujarat Ecology Commission set up by Government of Gujarat signed a Memorandum of Understanding, in the gracious presence of the Hon. Chief Minister of Gujarat, with The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research (BIDR), Israel, on 9 th September 1993, for Rehabilitation of degraded soils to increase production of bio-mass,
- To assist in preparing plan for restoration of degraded Eco-systems and
- To assist in planning of a Centre of Desert Ecology in Kachchh.
Subsequently, Prof. Uriel Safriel from Israel visited Kachchh in May 1994. Based on his recommendations, Government of Gujarat, Forests and Environment Department vide Resolution Dated 10 th January 1995, accorded Administrative Sanction to establish Institute of Desert Ecology. Thus, Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology was established at Bhuj, Kachchh District as an Autonomous body and was Registered as a Society and a Public Trust.
The Institute functions in a modern earthquake resistant building which houses Administrative Block, Scientist’s chambers, Environmental and Analytical Laboratories, Library and Herbarium.