Gujarat Desert Ecology


Gujarat Desert Ecology > MISSION AND MANDATE


GUIDE will catalyse the process of ameliorating hardships to human beings in Desert Ecosystems of Gujarat, following sound Ecological principles and carefully using Scientific Knowledge, Imaginative technology and capital.


  • Focus on desert arid and semi-arid ecosystems of Gujarat, with special emphasis on Kachchh;
  • Develop benchmark database for ecosystems of Kachchh and thereafter undertake continuous monitoring and trend-analysis through specific research activities;
  • Identify problem areas and evolve appropriate solutions and management strategies through basic and applied research;
  • Formulate and implement relevant projects that would provide models for emulation;
  • Disseminate ecological information and communicate action plans to suit local conditions, through extension and other programmes; and
  • Provide consultancy and training to NGO’s, Government, corporate sectors and other natural resources managers, in the principles of ecology, integrated management and sustainable development.
